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Let AI do the Heavy-lifting!
No more daily hustle to apply for a job, just sit back and enjoy the power of 1-click
Custom Job Listings
Get 50 custom jobs daily to apply, based on your preferences such as Location, Experience, Pay-scale
You choose to either apply or not.
Custom Cover Letter
Get Custom Cover letter on one-click according to the job you are applying for! Edit and sway any recruiter!
AI Job Application
Apply to Jobs Automatically with AI Auto applying on your behalf. Just check and send the application across. Do more with less input!
Cold Reach out Cadence
Get access to custom templates that is sure to get a response! email and LinkedIn along with references to make you stand out!
Testimonials & Reviews
Hear From Our Happy Customers!
Helping people Find their best fit, one job application at a time! 🙂
Best Decision, 200+ applications with a single click in a single day! wow!
Sabya Sachi Mishra
Data Scientist
Really helps automate the daily task of job search on multiple platforms
Kunal Gupta
Manager Sales
Have been a boon for me, found my next job within 2 weeks!
Kartikeya Madnani
Business Development
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Yes it is just not a bot, there are humans behind it! Ask Away!
Can it apply for job on my behalf as well?
NO! but Soon! That’s the idea and in the name itself! Our Devs are working night and day so you won’t have to!
What is the cost?
Currently the Beta is free and for those who sign-up during our LEGACY plan, it would always be free!
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